Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1) by Cassandra Clare

Since I've read the first three novels in the Mortal Instruments series, and I had no idea what to think going into this series. After reading this book, I think its a high possibility that I like the Infernal Devices better. It might be too soon to say but time will tell.
In search of her brother, Tessa Gray travels to London. There she is saved by a shadowhunter, Will Herondale, who is investigating a series of mysterious mundane deaths. Tessa teams up with the shadowhunters to find her brother and the cause of the deaths.
I love Tessa. As the main female protagonist, I thought she was strong and despite going through a frightening ordeal, she was able to use her ability to outwit her adversaries. When I first started reading, I thought her ability was cool but useless in a fight. She reminds me of Clary a lot, I don't want to compare the two but I can't help it. They both have no idea who they are in the beginning and find out they are something they have no one else to compare themselves to. How complicated. lol
Will. He kinda reminds me of Jace, and I really like him. The Epilogue and the story of him as a child makes me really curious as to why he's the way he is. Since, he's not an orphan, why does he seem so negative and life-hating. He fights the fact that he's in love with Tessa and even though it's extremely annoying, I must know why soon.
Jem, first off, I love his name. (Probably because I love the name Gemma) At first I thought he had cancer. Because you know, back then there wasn't the technology to treat such an illness. In some ways, I think this is worse. When first told of Jem's backstory, I felt incredibly sorry, and what must it had felt like for a young boy to go through that type of torture and torment. For Jem to be such a kind person, I love him. <3 However, it was too late, I already shipped Tessa and Will. And I really like them together, if Will stopped being difficult.
Another love triangle... *eye roll*.
I thought that Will might be the favorite here, but after the ending, now I have no idea. I like Jem, he's an all-around nice guy, and I have nothing against his condition. I just like the chemistry Tessa and Will has with each other. However, Will keeps acting well... like Will and I won't be surprised if Tessa's affections turn towards Jem.
I like the overall story of Clockwork Angel. Shadow Hunters during the Victorian Era. It's interesting! Things are still kept mysterious with Will and Tessa's ability by the end of the book. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel.
However, I must say that there was one thing that fell short. I don't think this could be read before the Mortal Instruments or without the knowledge of the Shadow Hunter world. I felt that things weren't really explained, and I'm glad I decided to read them in publication order or else I would be lost in the dust somewhere.
Overall I'd rate this a 4.5.